My Team of Writers

My Team of Writers

From this point forward I will refer to the voices in my head as “my team of writers”.  I have two issues my team of writers have been kicking around, but I’m not really sure how to make them mesh into one article.  They have been driving me crazy.  Maybe I’ll make it two articles.  I dunno, we’ll see.

Both issues have to do with education.


We are (what?) seven weeks into the New Year.  And I can list three similar stories that bother me.  The first was when a six year old kid was suspended from school for making a gun with his hand and saying “Pow”.  The second, was when a five year old girl was suspended for 10 days for making a “terroristic threat” for talking to a friend about shooting her with a “Hello Kitty Bubble Gun”.  Yes, you read that correctly.  A gun, in the shape of Hello Kitty, that shoots BUBBLES (Lawrence Welk would have been thrown in prison for life.)  And most recently, last week a seven year old was suspended from school for throwing an imaginary grenade into an imaginary box filled with “something evil” to save the world.

An imaginary grenade into an imaginary box…So he threw nothing into nothing…?  (hmm)

I can completely understand these young heroes desire to fight.  My favorite part about imaginary fighting is the fact you get to thwart evil.  You never get to thwart anything in real life.  I like to thwart.  My advice to these young patriots is to always have a backup finger gun strapped to your ankle in case your two primaries get confiscated again.

Is it just me, or does it sound like the administrators need to grow up?

Last week Dr. Benjamin Carson was at a prayer breakfast with President Obama and said he thought PC (Political Correctness) was dangerous (click here for the awesome speech).  I agree.

The second issue that has been bothering me is about an article I read. Apparently, in Texas there is a web-based system used in 70 percent of the schools state wide to assist teachers with lesson plans.  The system is “built by teachers, designed by teachers.”  Many are concerned that it is difficult for non-teachers to get a look at the program.


One of the lessons for sixth graders “showed different countries’ flags and instructed students to “notice that socialist and communist countries use symbolism on their flags.” It went on to ask students what symbols they would use if they were to create a flag for a new socialist country.”

Many of the other lessons “promoted pro-Islam ideals, or described participants of the Boston Tea Party as terrorists.”

Pardon me Miss?  I believe I ordered my brain-washing on the side.

The whole “designing a flag” thing BUUUUUUUUUUGED me.  But because I had recently had a conversation with a young man about the “Boston Tea Party as terrorist” the article kind of set me off.

For the record.  The Boston Tea party story has always rubbed me the wrong way.  It is part of history.  It happened.  I get that.  But terrorist?  Come on.

Quick review: The Boston Tea party was in response to the Tea Act of 1773.  The Colonists objected to the Tea Act because it violated their rights as Englishmen.  They, rightly, believed they should be taxed only by their own elected representatives and not by a British parliament in which they were not represented. “No taxation without representation.”

I remember being taught the Tea Party was the catalyst that started the Revolutionary War.  Hmmm…not really. In fact it probably set the whole thing back.  It really dispirited both American and British supporters, like Edmund Burke.

George Washington disapproved of the destruction of the tea, and Benjamin Franklin demanded the India Tea Company be reimbursed (they were).  Samuel Adams defended the raid by saying that all other methods of recourse, you know like…voting — were unavailable.

Many of the founding fathers considered the raid an embarrassment.  The Boston Tea Party was not celebrated for another 50 years.

Not one person was killed.  Paul Revere made sure to replace a lock that was broken during the raid and severely punished a man who stole some of the tea for his personal use (HEY…just like the terrorist of today who paid for the rebuilding of the…er…oh…forget it).

But kids today are taught that this great country was made from the act of terror.  Come on.  It took three years before our founding fathers engaged in their truly revolutionary act: The signing of the Declaration of Independence (for perspective the iPad was originally introduced three years ago in April).

In that document, they set forth, in clear terms, their complaints with British rule, their earlier attempts at resolution, and an appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world for independence from the crown.  I remember a few years ago reading the Declaration of Independence to a group of Boy Scouts.  It was almost a spiritual experience.

Are these things being taught in your school?  I dunno if they are in mine. But at least we can sleep well knowing we are safe from six year olds with imaginary guns.

LIFEZILLA:  This Valentine’s day tell your lover the three little words she (or he)  has been dying to hear: “I love Lifezilla”.





Anyone who knows me knows I’m a normal guy.  In fact, I hate to brag, but I’m average in everyway.  I have zero marketable skills.  You know what, now that I think about it, not once have my younger siblings thanked me for how low I set the bar for them.  “But Danny,” you whine, “you enjoy writing”.  That is true.  I’ll give you that one.  I do enjoy writing.  But I wouldn’t say I’m good at it.  I’m okay.  I’m a blogger’s equivalent of a “Wendy’s value meal”. Really, a trained monkey could write like I do.  In fact, the other night I fell asleep with my head on my keyboard, and when I woke up I had written a “Twilight” novel.

In personal news:  Lifezilla will be one year old on the 15th of this month.  Yeah!!!  I’m pretty excited.  On the 16th I’ll finally be able to take off the train bra…er…wheels.  I said wheels.  I SAID TRAINING WHEELS!!!

Just come as you are

I’m still trying to figure out how to manage the “website” thing.  It seems I hate every other change I make.  I did create a new Lifezilla Facebook page.  I have a personal Facebook page were I regularly post my miscellaneous rantings, ravings, quick thoughts, or whatnots.  But I want to inflect my dumbery to a bigger audience so I’m hoping I can sweet talk to you into liking my page.  I envision it’ll be like a unstop party full of people taking breaks from stalking exs, tossing ticked off birds into walls or tending their virtual farm.  Just imagine a site full of people who ought to be working, talking to their kids, or improving their relationship with their spouse, but are simply too jaded, bored, or bitter to bother exerting themselves. Serious, don’t those people sound like the people you should be hanging with? (What? It just sounds like your family and co-workers? The ones you’re already sick to death of because they’re such killjoys about everything?  Well, come on over then!!!!  I’ve got brand new killjoys you’ve never even met before!)

It’ll be fun.  You know you want too.

LIFEZILLA:  I swear I love every single some of you.


That is Soooo Gay

That is Soooo Gay

Apparently the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is considering lifting its ban on gay leaders.  I have thoughts on this.  But before I launch into my thoughts I want to give you some background.  For full disclosure, I’m an Eagle Scout.  I’m a father of four boys; two of them have earned their Eagle.  I suspect the other two will as well.  I have been involved in Scouting for much of my adult life.  I was a Scout master for six years, and I am currently a Cubmaster.  I have never been employed by the BSA.  I am not a spokesperson for them, nor am I a spokesperson for the church that sponsors the Scouting organization I’m involved in. The opinions I express here are my own.


I am sensitive to the feelings of members of the gay community.  I have a member of my immediate family who is lesbian, and a member of my extended family who is gay.

In my latest BRILLIANTLY written article I said, “I’m a Conservative: as such, I don’t care about other adults.  I expect other adults to care about themselves.”  I want you to know that this applies to ones sexual orientation as well.  It would be impossible for me to care less who consenting adults sleep with.  I don’t care. The only thing that bothers me, as far as someone’s sexuality, is if you throw children or animals into the mix.  If you are the pedophile you should be thrown in jail forever and if you’re into animals (literally or figuratively) you need therapy.

“But Danny,” you whine, “just because someone is gay doesn’t mean they are attracted to children.”  Ummm…ya.  I didn’t say they were.  In fact, I want you to know that I completely agree with that statement.  100%.  There is not a gay man alive who is more attracted to men than I am to women.  Not one.  I look at men around my age chasing after young women (early twenties) and I think they are idiots.  To me a woman isn’t a woman until she is in her late twenties.  (Quick side note: this is one of the reasons the Islamic faith doesn’t appeal to me.  The idea of spending the eternities with 70 virgins sound like a nightmare.  Promise me 70 porn stars and we’ll talk.  I would rather be taught stuff.  Ya know?)  So if I, as a straight man, know I’m not attracted to young women or girls, why wouldn’t I extend the same courtesy toward gay men?  Do I believe there are gay men who are also attracted to boys?  Absolutely.  Just like there are straight men attracted to boys.

So now that we have established a baseline, I’m almost ready to get to my point.  I just need to say this.  As you know I have been involved in Scouting a while.  As such I believe I can speak with authority when I say it is a major, major pain in the butt.  Is it rewarding?  Yes.  But you have to sift through a grotto of fossilized bat dung to find the one little nugget of reward.  Most of the time it is PAINFUL.  I question the sincerity of the members of GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) and the members of Scouts for Equality.  I doubt that they are really interested in investing the time it takes to be a good scout leaders.  They just want to make a point.  My guess is if the BSA lifted the ban tomorrow they would wave their rainbow flag and never be heard from again.


When camping there are rules that have to be followed.  No adult leader can be in a tent with a Scout unless you are the parent or legal guardian of the young man.  If said parent is sleeping in the same tent as a scout, no other adult leader is allowed in the tent.  I believe these rules are brilliant.

Now let’s turn this 180 degrees. Let’s say I’m a male leader of a girls camp group.  Would it be appropriate to sleep in the same tent as them?  No, it wouldn’t.  Hey, wait a minute, we have already established that I’m not attracted to girls.  So what’s the problem?  Okay, fine, whatever.  I get it, I’ll just sleep in the same tent as little Becky Sue’s mom.  Wait, what?   That’s not appropriate either?  Why not?

Because it’s not appropriate.  That’s it. As a straight man I instinctively get that.  Why wouldn’t gay men extend the same courtesy?

Scouting isn’t the place for social engineering.  Scouting is about teaching young boys to be men.  Real men are: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent (Scout Law).  Real men “Do a Good Turn Daily” (Scout slogan).  Real men believe they should “Be Prepared” (Scout motto).  Can you be a gay man and exemplify these qualities?  Of course.

Let boys be boys.  Sex has no place in Scouting.  Gay or Straight.


LIFEZILLA:  How old do I have to be before I get this “adult super-vision” everybody insists I need?  It sounds awesome.

If you are interested I wrote about a funny scouting experience HERE

Character Counts

got your back


Smoke ‘Em if Ya Got ‘Em

Smoke ‘Em if Ya Got ‘Em

So, I have a friend who follows me on Lifezilla.  I mean, why wouldn’t you, right?  I was talking to him and he mentioned that often in the comment sections, I, your humble narrator, gets “burned every time.”  He said, “It is like they smell blood in the water and they just attack you.  I always look forward to your reply, but you never do.  Why do you take it?”  If you go back and look I have only replied to a comment once or twice.  There are times I want to do this:

Oh, that was harsh…

I have a clever response…
Type Type Typety Type Type
Type Type Typety Type Type Type
Type Type Typety Type Type Ty…

[Highlight – Delete]


This may sound harsh. But the truth of the matter is I really don’t care that much.  I’m a big boy.  I have my opinions on stuff.  I figure the commenters (is that a word) are big people too, so I let them have a voice. I’m a Conservative: as such, I don’t care about other adults.  I expect other adults to care about themselves. Capisce?

And besides, let’s be honest.  Life is too short to worry about how other people feel.  I have a decent job, my kids fill my day with laughter and my wife has a killer rack.  Why stress?

ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL that being said I want to tell you a story about what happened today.

I have a drinking problem.  I drink Diet Coke like it is my JOB.  I love it. I have six reasons why I love it:

1)  Because
2)  Because
3)  Because
4)  Because
5)  Because
6)  Because, of the wonderful things it does.

So, I’m in line at the convenience store I frequent daily and in front of me is an older gentleman.  He is EASILY in his mid- to late- eighties.  He points behind the counter and asked for his brand of cigarettes.  The cashier puts them on the counter and asked for the gentleman’s I.D.  He reached into his pocket, pulled out a wad of cash, but had (apparently) forgotten his I.D.  The cashier kindly apologized, but said he wouldn’t be able to finish the transaction.  The older gentleman was agitated.  I spoke up and said he could use my I.D.  Because I’m not a smoker, I was unaware that there is a bar code on the back of our driver’s licenses that needs to be scanned before you can purchase things like cigarettes (this tidbit of information ticked me off on a whole bunch of new levels).  I was informed by the cashier that because he knew I wouldn’t be purchasing them for myself that is considered a “third party sale” and is illegal.


Now, I’m not a smoker.  But because I’m conservative, I’m consistent.  That whole situation was wrong, Wrong, WRONG.  Should you check identification to ensure you are not selling cigarettes or alcohol to minors?  YES.  If someone is found buying these things for minors should they be fined or put in jail?  YES.  Should we practice common sense and allow a man who is clearly of age to finish an adult purchase instead of making him walk home to retrieve his identification?  HELL YES.

The problem with these types of laws is it turns everyday citizens into the police.  It shouldn’t be the cashier’s job to police the old man’s or my purchases.

Now I understand they are considering legislation to make it illegal to smoke in your car if you have kids with you.  Again, I don’t smoke so this wouldn’t affect me at all.  Smoking in the car with a kid makes you a dumbass.  Being a dumbass isn’t illegal.  What’s next, you can’t smoke in your house?

When did it become illegal to be an adult?

Should there be laws?  Absolutely.  Do I appreciate the “no smoking in public places” laws?  Absolutely.  Smoking laws don’t affect me.  I’m not a smoker.  But they’re symbolic.  We have to be careful.  It is a slippery slope.

In an article I read last year there were 40,000 new laws put on the books at the state level in 2012.  Forty Thousand!!!  An average of 800 laws per state.  Are there really that many problems that we need that many laws?   Is society really that outta control?

Ayn Rand once said, “There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. When there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.”

Let’s bring back common sense.

LIFEZILLA:  It’s exciting President George W. Bush began his fourth term on Sunday, January 20, 2013 as the official source of all economic problems in the country.




Checks and Balances – Are We Breaking the Scales?


By Josh Loveless – Candidate for U.S. Congress 2014

The close examination of nearly every document written by the founders of our great nation reveals a persuasive common refrain: That all men are created equal, and that despotism occurs when one person or group seeks to prop themselves up above the others.  It’s not just a phrase from the Declaration of Independence but rather a thematic supposition for the discourse of that age.

It is for this reason that our United States Constitution was written in the manner that it was.  It is in part also the cause of its genius.  The entire document, including the Bill of Rights, is a lesson in balance; a balance designed to protect equality.  Every phrase and every Article is intended to create a system of compromises, or as it’s often referred to, checks and balances.  Each power ceded to one person or group is checked by another.

The power of the federal government is balanced with the states, and all the states with the voice of the people.  The three branches of the federal government balance and check each other; three making it impossible to tip the scales.  This system of checks and balances is well known and largely understood by most Americans.  But what we often forget is the historical context by which they came about.

In the great Constitutional Convention of 1787 the delegates of the various states met together with the original intention of refining the existing governing document of the day, the Articles of Confederation.  However, some delegates came with the unwavering intention of replacing the Articles with a new government.  This was the beginning of many extraordinarily lengthy and furious debates.

It took an entire hot Philadelphia summer, from May to September, for the delegates to write and agree up on the Constitution.  The disagreements were hotter than the summer air, in so much so that the Constitution can really be called a document of compromises.  Nearly every governing rule contained in it is the result of some compromise; from the number of Senators, the splitting of the Congress into two houses, the powers of the President, the number of Supreme Court justices, and the election of the President through an Electoral College.

It is these compromises that in and of themselves create the checks and balances of the system.  Without compromise the Articles would have been unbalanced and the Constitution would have failed miserably.  226 years later the principles of compromise and protection of equality appear to be largely forgotten.  The lessons taught to us by our fore-fathers are essentially being ignored.

There are many examples of this irresponsible amnesia in our recent political discourse.  For example on Monday, January, 14 2013 President Obama complained, “America cannot afford another debate with this Congress about whether or not they should pay the bills they’ve already racked up”.  Less recently in response to a request by Republicans to discuss the 2009 stimulus bill, the President refused to listen to Republicans or debate the merits of the bill, simply stating, “I won”.

Not to be outdone by the uncompromising president, House Speaker John Boehner has also given up on debate.  During a particularly difficult negotiation over the recent Fiscal Cliff bill Boehner offered the President an increase in taxes and then asked, “What am I getting?”   The president replied, “You don’t get anything for it. I’m taking that anyway.”  After this exchange Boehner was quoted as saying he was “done meeting with President Obama one-on-one”, and that he would no longer participate in debate with the White House.


It is this exact lack of genuine discussion and compromise that has created many of the problems our nation faces today.  There is nothing wrong at all with having strong principles and standing on those principles.  But there is something terribly wrong in thinking that we, or our leaders, or our political parties, or our principles are the only right ones.  We are wrong to believe in the superiority of our ideas to exclusion of all others, such that we refuse to even listen to those who disagree.

Many of my conservative friends will probably vehemently disagree with that statement.  But if you do, I submit that it is a grave mistake.  They would perhaps argue that our situation has occurred BECAUSE we have compromised on our principles.  I disagree.  I would submit that in those cases, we haven’t compromised, but instead have surrendered these principles back and forth as often as we’ve changed our politicians.  I would submit that we have forgotten what compromise in context of the United States government certainly means.

The Constitution proves this point emphatically in my opinion.  From a Constitutional perspective compromise should not mean a surrender of one idea or principle to another.  Instead compromise can be a policy, a law, or an article that allows two seemingly conflicting principles to peacefully co-exist, to even work together for the common good.  It is that type of compromise that creates balance.  It is that type of balance that is endangered.

Yes, there are some principles upon which we CANNOT compromise, and that we can accept no form of balancing power.  I would submit however that most of those issues are already settled.  Examples would be the need for a strong Federal government that does not allow states to secede.  Or, that every American is free, and equal, despite race, religion, or creed.  While not perfect, the major flaws in the Constitution have been addressed.

we the people

Instead, here are a few examples of principles we are choosing not to compromise on, in favor of angry, divisive, and often dishonest pretension:

Liberals traditionally believe in a strong government that constrains business, protects common citizens, and cares for our environment.  They are traditionally a party focused on compassion.   You may not agree with their conclusions about Global Warming for example, but can you in good conscience look out the window at smoggy skies, and filthy water and say we cannot do better?  We live in a time of great economic instability and wide-spread joblessness.  Is this not a time in which our government should find reasonable ways to have and encourage compassion?

Conservatives generally believe in limited government, constrained spending, and a powerful military.  In this age of runaway spending can our liberal friends not agree that more limits and constraints on government might be needed?  In an age of increasing global instability can we really argue against a strong centralized military?  Can conservatives not agree that a strong military isn’t necessarily an expensive one, and that military constraint can be equally powerful if properly implemented?

This is only scratching the surface of course.  For most issues currently facing the American people, the answer is yes, there is room for compromise.  In fact, I would submit that most Americans are still very much in the center on the big issues.  We are generally reasonable people.  Many of us are actually seeking for this kind of debate, for leaders who are willing to strike bargains that are universally beneficial.  We want to have a good and a reasonable public discourse of ideas.

But our political class, our media, and many or our own personal conversations have abandoned this standard, and in some cases have abandoned all reason.  George Washington in his Farewell Address prophetically warned our nation about party affiliations and the dangers of extremism and polarization.

“The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local discriminations. With slight shades of difference, you have the same religion, manners, habits, and political principles. You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together; the independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint counsels, and joint efforts of common dangers, sufferings, and successes.

But these considerations, however powerfully they address themselves to your sensibility, are greatly outweighed by those which apply more immediately to your interest. Here every portion of our country finds the most commanding motives for carefully guarding and preserving the union of the whole.”


It is this thought that should normalize our discourse, the thought that we protect individual liberty best by acting in concert.  Together, we have largely ignored this original American theme.  We have instead placed tremendous burdens (in the form of dishonest, rhetorical, “platitudinized”, angry discourse) on the platforms of the scale of American government.  In its inspired greatness this Constitutional scale is right now holding up under the tension.  But the chains that secure the scale’s platforms are straining and may soon burst.

Make no mistake; a break in this scale would have far reaching negative consequences.  We must soon remember who we are, and what we really stand for or risk the fall of our union.  We need to personally change the way we speak to each other and the way we debate.

And if we as a people place our leaders and our media instead upon the scales and find that they do not balance. If we find that they are unwilling to hold civil discourse on difficult topics.  Or if we find them so unbending as to reject sound compromise, then it is our duty as Americans to replace them.  That is our check and our balance against them.

To learn more about Josh Loveless and his campaign for U.S. House of Representatives visit:


Gun Control and Unicorns

Gun Control and Unicorns

So I was driving home from work and heard a sound bite of the President talking about gun control.  He said “If there is a step we can take that will save even one child from what happened in Newtown, we should.”  (Click here for the clip)

I’ll agree what happened in Newtown was a tragedy.  I wish it hadn’t happened.  That being said, the Presidents sound bite is typical of most things liberals say.  It sounds really, really good.  The problem is most of it isn’t grounded in reality.  They are just “foo foo” words which mean nothing, like “We saved or created a gazillion jobs.”  How do you measure a job that was “saved”?  How can you measure if a policy saved a child in a tragedy like Sandy Hook?  I’ll give you a hint:  Ya can’t.

On Tuesday, January 15 Toure’ on MSNBC said, “[We] need the president to save us from the gun epidemic.”  Gun epidemic?  Really, an epidemic?  I don’t think America has a “gun” epidemic, America has a “whiny little bitch” epidemic.

But “foo foo” words help the uninformed liberal feel better, that someone is doing something.  Of course not being informed is what keeps most liberals liberal.

Save Lives

You know how much I hate to cloud the issue with facts (see link for article) but someone has to.  The President wants to prevent things like what happened in Sandy Hook.  He wants to prevent mass public shootings.  So does every American.  If only there was a study that looked at public shootings and compared the various laws and frequency of the shootings.  Ohhhh, wouldn’t it be cool if such a study existed and concluded what the single best deterrent of public shootings is?

Oh look!!!  There was one.  You can download the study here.

Several years ago William Landes, of the University of Chicago and John Lott, of Yale, conducted a study of multiple victim public shootings in the United States.  The study looked at mass shootings between 1977 and 1995 and compared how the different legal changes affected their frequency and death toll in the various states.  They examined several of the policies being proposed now: waiting periods and background checks for guns.  They also examined the death penalty and increased penalties for committing a crime with a gun.

Guess what they came up with?  Only one variable was shown to be effective in reducing the death rate in these crimes.  Any guesses what that is?   If you guessed concealed-carry laws you would be correct.

Now if I was a crazy person, and I was thinking about going and shooting a bunch of innocent people where would I go?  Well if history is an indication I wouldn’t plan my mass shooting at a gun show, or police station.  In fact when was the last time you even heard about a gun store being held up?  It doesn’t happen.  Why?  Because people who commit these crimes are crazy – not stupid.

They go to “gun free zones.”  Schools, churches, movie theaters.

Why does the media suppress the stories where armed citizens stop mass shooters?  Easy.  Those stories don’t fit the narrative that guns are bad.

Obama - Guns

Three examples:

I remember watching the news when the Portland mall shootings were taking place during the busy Christmas season.  I was grateful and amazed to learn the killer only killed two people.  Gratefully, concealed weapon owner Nick Meli didn’t notice the mall he was in was a gun-free zone and he had his gun with him.  As the murderer paused to reload Meli pointed his gun at the killer (he didn’t shoot because there were people behind the shooter).  The killer saw Meli, and turned his gun on himself.

The shooter in Aurora Colorado had seven movie theaters showing the Dark Knight within twenty minutes away from his apartment.  One theater was 1.2 miles away (three minutes).  Of the seven theaters only one didn’t allow concealed handguns into the theater (they only allow illegal handguns).  Any guesses which theater the killer chose?  I’ll give you a hint.  12 are dead and 58 are wounded, arguably because of the ban enforced on law abiding citizens.

On December 18, 2012, shortly after the Sandy Hook shooting, Jesus Manuel Garcia arrived at the Mayan Palace Theater, in San Antonio, Texas guns blazing as he shoots at the movie theater, a police car and bystanders.  As he entered the movie theater he was shot to death by an off-duty officer.   The only death was his own.  Good thing she, the off-duty officer, had a gun.

Harvard University concluded where gun ownership increases, violence and murder decrease, and the Landes-Lott study kind of concluded the same thing. Of course “foo foo words,” butterflies and unicorns are important too. That is if you don’t mind more mass killings.


LIFEZILLA:  Just because you have boobs doesn’t mean you’re better than I am.  Unless you’re a woman.




Step Toward Social Decline

Step Toward Social Decline

 Several years ago I was driving home and passed a neighborhood I pass every day.  It is backed away about a 75 yards, semi-secluded, from a very busy street.  I was rounding the corner on this busy street and saw a child, no more then three years old, on a corner.  There wasn’t a parent in sight.  I quickly went through the options in my mind.  Do I keep driving and hope the kid doesn’t get struck or abducted, do I stop, put the kid in my car, or walk with the child and try to find his home?  Being a man, and a father, I immediately knew I wasn’t going to allow the child to come near my car.  I also knew I wouldn’t be thrilled if I saw someone I didn’t know walking up my street with my child.  So I figured I would tell the kid to go home.  I pulled over, rolled down the passenger side window, and kindly said, “You need to go home”.  The kid looked up at me, with snot running down his binky.  “Go home”, I said again, “You need to go home”.  I received a blank stare.  “Your Mom wants you to go home.  Go home”.  Nothing.  So I switched tactics.  I furrowed my brow and yelled, “GO HOME RIGHT NOW!!!”  The child let out a sod, turned around and cried home.

So, I hear you asking, what’s your point?

I’m getting there.

A few years ago there was a Baltimore conference aiming to “normalize” pedophilia.  Oh, you read correctly.  A conference to “normalize” pedophilia.  A conference.  That means more then just Pervy McPervertson, from Perv-ville, and his cousin Sicky McSickyson were in attendance.  I’m talking a group of some of the “best and brightest” researchers from several prominent U.S. universities were there as well.  What was the goal of this conference? Well, according to the sponsoring organization’s (B4U-ACT) website they want to discuss ways to revise of the American Psychological Association (APA) classification of pedophilia.


How it works is these groups of pedophiles (it makes me wonder how they initially meet) sponsor meetings with members of the ADA, to persuade them to redefine or remove “several long-recognized categories of mental illness” from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Why would that be bad, why should we care?  According to Linda Ames Nicolosi, who is the publications director of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) “Normalizing” pedophilia would have enormous implications, especially since civil laws closely follow the scientific community on social-moral matters”, she continued, “If pedophilia is deemed normal by psychiatrists, then how can it remain illegal?  It will be a tough fight to prove in the courts that it should still be against the law.”


Well guess what?  In just a few short years later it has reared its ugly head again.  Recently in the UK there is an article entitled Paedophilia: Bringing Dark Desires to Light.  According to the article, “There is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that pedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality.”

The article continues, ““If we can talk about this rationally – acknowledge that yes, men do get sexually attracted to children, but no, they don’t have to act on it – we can maybe avoid the hysteria. We won’t label paedophiles monsters; it won’t be taboo to see and name what is happening in front of us…by allowing paedophiles to be ordinary members of society, with moral standards like everyone else”, and by “respecting and valuing those paedophiles who choose self-restraint”. Only then will men tempted to abuse children “be able to be honest about their feelings, and perhaps find people around them who could support them and challenge their behaviour before children get harmed”.

Ohhhhh….isn’t that super cute?  They are concerned about the feeeeeelings of pedophiles.

This is wrong, Wrong, WRONG.  There is no such thing as a “pedophile who chooses self-restraint”.  I’m not a thief until I steal; I’m not a driver until I drive, I’m not a gun hating, sniffling English pansy until I have a self-titled show on CNN.

Sadly this isn’t new.  Years ago they tried to “normalize” pedophilia by calling it “intergenerational sex”, arguing there was nothing wrong with it as long as the adult involved with the child/children was not an “authority figure”.

I KNOW!!!  The first time I heard that I rolled my eyes so hard I fell out of my chair!

And thus, the point of my story.  EVERY child considers an adult an “Authority Figure”.  I barely flexed my “authority figure” muscle and scared a child into running home.  Any adult can scare or manipulate children.  We need to make sure parents are aware of this agenda and take steps to make sure their plans don’t take a foot hold.


LIFEZILLA:  I kinda just had kids to have somebody to watch cartoons with.



Debt Ceilings and the Federal Budget

Debt Ceilings and the Federal Budget


By Josh Loveless

It’s January 2013!  That means it is time for many of us as families, businesses, churches, and organizations to start enacting our financial plans for the next twelve months.   As individuals, or business owners, our financial plans likely include an assessment of our financial situation at the end of the previous year, and a strategy that will dictate our financial plans for this year.

The main vehicle in financial planning for a week, month, or year is a budget.  Budgets are critical in conducting any kind of financial transaction.  I wanted to write today about the purpose of a budget, and why it is so important, especially at a federal level.  I know this should be elementary finance, but hopefully you the reader will take a moment to follow along, because there is a larger point to be made about our nation’s current situation.

I would like to quote Wikipedia in order to establish a baseline definition of budgets upon which everyone can agree:

A budget (from old French bougette, purse) is a financial plan and a list of all planned expenses and revenues. It is a plan for saving, borrowing and spending.

A budget is an important concept … an organizational plan stated in monetary terms.

In summary, the purpose of budgeting is to:

  1. Provide a forecast of revenues and expenditures, that is, construct a model of how our business might perform financially if certain strategies, events and plans are carried out.
  2. Enable the actual financial operation of the business to be measured against the forecast.
  3. Establish the cost constraint for a project, program, or operation.



In other words we use a budget as a blueprint by which we can conduct financial transactions, providing confidence that plan adherence will lead to goal achievement.  In examining that statement a little further we can draw some obvious conclusions:

  1. In order to create a budget, we first need to know and understand our current financial situation, including a candid assessment of the success or failure of previous budgets.
  2.  We must actually have quantifiable end goals established that we wish to reach with at least one ultimate date by which we want them achieved.  For families this might include saving for retirement or a vacation, or paying off debts.  For businesses, it might mean saving for a new computer system, targeting profits, or finding monies to provide a pay raise for employees.
  3. Budgets are NOT for simply tracking what we spend.  A budget is the detailed plan not the game, like a playbook in sports.  As a coach we must however hold ourselves accountable to the playbook.
  4. Budgets are not just random numbers and data points arbitrarily splashed on an excel spreadsheet, a budget provides information.

All of this seem obvious to everyone?  What does this have to do with our country?  Like many of our households the United States of America is in a state of financial disaster.  For example, I am guessing by now we’ve all seen the debt clock.  If you haven’t recently, check it out at

This IS a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.  The picture that is painted by the U.S. debt clock is one that should deeply concern every single American citizen, even those who pay few taxes.  Thanks to information like this, many Americans are finally starting to ask the two most important questions about our financial situation:

  1. How did we get here?
  2. How do we get out of this mess and avoiding repeating our mistakes?

There are lots of proposed answers out there.  Some of them are very complex.  Republicans and Democrats alike have numerous recommendations, designs, and campaign pitches addressing both.  But it seems to me that neither side is telling America the simple, hard truth:

We are here because we’ve abandoned rudimentary financial principles, and the only way out is to reestablish them as requirements.

That means that the United States Government needs a financial plan that includes all of the basic points discussed above.  We need to establish quantifiable goals with reasonable time frames.  We need to have a plan for reducing our debts.  And MOST importantly we must pass a budget.

The news is all abuzz about the federal budget, and the debt ceiling.    The truth is that for at least the last 12 years (probably much longer) these two implements have been nothing more than political gimmicks.  In fact it is so much so that the debt ceiling has NEVER been decreased, and was raised 90 times in the last century.  That’s nearly once a year.

Debt Ceiling

Your federal government has not passed a budget since April 29, 2009.  In fact the White House is now claiming that a budget is no longer necessary, and that the Congress should simply cede the debt ceiling power to the president.  These financial tools, once grounded in fiscal common sense, are now used as nothing more than talking points meant to deceive or divide the public.

From a financial perspective, every American household and business knows that not having goals, plans, or a budget is tantamount to economic suicide.  But this basic fact appears to escape the political class.  This makes the tax hikes we passed at the end of last year essentially meaningless.  It is unconscionable to demand an increase in borrowing before establishing how much is needed and why. It is time for this nonsense to come to an end.

We the people need to demand that our congress get serious about our financial situation.  We need to demand that our Congress and our President lay out a common sense financial plan with clear, attainable, quantifiable goals.   We need to demand that they pass, and adhere to a budget that is specifically designed to meet those goals.  We need to hold them accountable when they don’t follow the plan.  If our congress and our president cannot do this, they are not public servants; they are usurpers and abusers of power and should be replaced.  Let us not forget where the money they are entrusted with comes from: our time, labor, ingenuity, and prosperity; not theirs.

Debt Ceiling height

Why Work When You Can Get Lap Dances for Free

Why Work When You Can Get Lap Dances for Free

I don’t even know where to start.  It is days like this where I feel I wasn’t born with nearly enough middle fingers to full express my annoyance. I’m sincerely at least four middle fingers shy.

I just read a couple of articles.  The first is from the New York Post.  It bugged, bugged, bugged me, but not a “New York Times” kind of bug. After reading almost any article from the “Times” I feel like I just threw up in reverse.  This “Post” article just really ticked me off.

Apparently the New York Post, though the Freedom of Information Act received a data base of Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) records from January 2011 to July 2012 and found dozens of cases were the Welfare recipients accessed their tax payer funded EBT cards for such lifesaving purchases as “liquor stores, X-rated video shops, hookah parlors and even strip clubs.”

We Accept Food Stamps

Oh yeah, you read that correctly.  People are using their EBT cards in Strip Clubs. Michael Tanner, a senior fellow at the CATO Institute was quoted as saying, “This is morally scandalous.”  He continued, “I have nothing against strip clubs, but that’s not what benefits are for. I don’t blame [recipients]. If you are poor, it’s a crummy life and you want to have a drink or see a naked woman. I blame the people who are in charge of this.”

Ya think?

Now as a rule I do not judge other people (unless, of course, they’re stupid, ugly, smell bad, wear shoes with individual toes, listen to crappy music, or drive a smart car), but I sincerely think that unless you are physically or mentally unable to work, and you knowingly and willfully shift the burden of supporting your worthless ass to someone else and spend the taxpayers’ money on things like, oh I dunno, STRIPPERS and stuff, you’re a piece of crap.  I don’t want to necessarily quote myself, because it comes across as cocky and arrogant, but several months ago I wrote what can only be described as a brilliant article that touched on welfare abuse and government waste.  You can access the brilliant article HERE.


According to the article (the one from the Post), “Welfare recipients receive food stamps and cash assistance under the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Both benefits are accessed through an EBT card, but only cash assistance — meant for housing, utilities and household necessities — can be accessed at ATMs.”

In a COMPLETELY unrelated article from the “Wall Street Journal” Speaker of the House John Boehner said that at one point when he was talking to the President about the Fiscal Cliff the President said, “We don’t have a spending problem.”

Apparently the President believes the country just doesn’t have enough revenue (read taxes) coming in.  It makes me wonder who paid the bills in the Obama household before he became President.

Several months ago a Facebook friend of mine said this “I think the mistake most conservatives make is in thinking that austerity has ever worked once. It never has, the great depression was lengthened by austerity.”  It confused me at the time, because it went contrary to what I thought the word “austerity” meant.  I did a quick Wikipedia search and it turns out I did know what it means.  “In economics, austerity refers to a policy of deficit-cutting by lowering spending via a reduction in the amount of benefits and public services provided. Austerity policies are often used by governments to try to reduce their deficit spending and are sometimes coupled with increases in taxes to demonstrate long-term fiscal solvency to creditors.”  My question is in the last several years have we, the United States, ever tried deficit cutting?  I’m going to go out on a limb and say NO.

Here is food for thought: in a time where it is clearly acceptable for a news agency to post things like a map of law abiding gun owners imagine the uproar if a news agency did the same thing to welfare recipients?  Wouldn’t it be interesting to see the names, amounts and locations of the funds being spent?

I think raising taxes is a mistake.  But it happened.  Why aren’t the Democrats even trying to come to the table with entitlement reform?  Every year the number of Americans who receive government assistance increases.  President Obama is the “Food Stamp President.” But we are told we are in the middle of an economic recovery.  So why the increase in assistance?  Could it be to mask the pain?  If everyone has assistance and is able to “get by” wouldn’t they be less inclined to notice pesky things like food prices?  I don’t have a problem with a “hand up.”  I don’t have a problem with a safety net, I just don’t think it should be a hammock.


LIFEZILLA: If I typed as carelessly as I spoke then ;lksdafjk nh; ‘&8jjfsjkladfjsdf

1934 Cartoon




2 + 2 = 5

2 + 2 = 5

Anyone who knows me knows I’m an idiot.  There (whew) it’s been said.  There is no mystery.  It is what it is.  BUT (and that is a big “but”) if here is one thing I do well, I’m a master of dumbing things down. Despite my obvious “dumbassery” I have been reading Paul Krugman a lot the last few months (I recently wrote a little bit about him) and I’m amazed that someone so smoort can be so…off.  He, and his type of cronies, have been going to great lengths to cite data that “proves” America has had times of great economic growth during times of high taxation.  And if you look at what they say it’s true.  Let me give you an example (this is me dumbing it down).  Let’s say I made out with this girl in High School, several years later she announces she is a lesbian.  Based on the data presented you could conclude making out with Danny will drive a woman to lesbianism (or a more politically correct term “a vagetarian”).  That’s what Krugman does every time.  He offers two separate data points and allows the ignorant and gullible to draw an incorrect conclusion.  Was there stronger economic growth under Clinton than under the first George Bush?  Yes.  Were there higher taxes under Clinton than the first George Bush?  Yes.  Did Danny make-out with the girl?  Yes.  Is she now a lesbian?  Yes. Are the two facts necessarily connected?  NO.

“But Danny, (you whine) how can you explain the economic growth under Clinton with higher taxes?”  Pfffffffffffffffffff…okay.  Taxes aren’t the only economic factor.  During the Clinton years the Internet came bursting on the scene, unleashing the most powerful burst of economic innovation since the Industrial Revolution.  There was a new excitement–almost frenzy–of economic activity that Clinton’s high taxes didn’t have the power to squash.  (FYI, I just had the hardest time spelling the word “squash.”)  This is one of my beefs with Krugman.  He lays out his arguments, not-so-subtly, implying that Republicans are idiots for openly acknowledging that taxes stifle economic activity, when he doesn’t have the gonads to suggest higher taxes encourage economic growth.  I guess even he can’t be that intellectually dishonest.  I can prove higher taxes don’t encourage economic growth. This is me dumbing it down.

I give you Dr. Seuss’ “The Lorax”

In the Lorax (I read the book, I have never seen the movie) there was a man called the Once-ler.  The Once-ler made and sold an item called a Thneed.  “I’m being quite useful.  This thing is a Thneed.  A Thneed’s a Fine-Something-That-All-People-Need!  It’s a shirt.  It’s a sock.  It’s a glove.  It’s a hat.  But it has OTHER uses.  Yes, far beyond that.  You can use it for carpets.  For pillows!  For sheets!  Or curtains!  Or covers for bicycle seats!”


For easy math let’s say in today’s economy you could buy a Thneed for $100.  For something so useful a hundred bucks is a screaming deal.  You save until you have the required “Benjamin” and then you remember taxes.  You figure if you go with $108 you should be able to make your coveted purchase.  You go to the store and there you see two Thneeds (a Thneed’s a Fine-Something-That-All-People-Need) one of them for $100 plus tax the other (for whatever reason) is a hundred dollars even.  You look and compare and they are both completely identical.  So the question is which would you buy?

Any idiot would purchase the cheaper item.

Now you have $8.00 burning a hole in your pocket.
You go to Wendy’s and purchase a small chili with cheese and onion, and a baked potato for $3.05.  Then to the local convenience store and purchase a large drink and a pack of gum.  While there you see a bucket with a sign asking for donations to the “Dyslexic Dalmatian Society,” and because Americans are the most generous people in the world, you decide to donate the rest of your Thneed money there.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a dumbed-down example of how lower taxes encourage economic growth.

Of course there needs to be taxes.  But we really need to get the spending under control. You can argue all day that there can be economic growth with higher taxes; of course you can also argue 2+2=5.

You’re still wrong.


LIFEZILLA:  You really should subscribe to Lifezilla.  What are you waiting for, Christmas?  Ahhh…ya just missed it.

