Tag Archives: Obama



 Ohhold on.  I, yeahIgot, whoa, waitasec ond, okay yeahIgot it.  I got it.  You push on it to make the words separate.  It’s a bar that puts a space between the words.

Whew!!!!  I’m glad I could figure that out.

I was a little worried.  You see, I have been watching the Democratic National Convention (DNC) whenever I have been able to, and it seems to me whenever a Republican is generalized it is either as a rich, corporate owning, gun toting, selfish fatty, or a toothless stupid-dumb that doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together.

It was either one or the other and…well…I ain’t no rich man.

(Do you see what I just did there?  I used a double negative!!!  What an idiot!!)

This attached video really made me laugh.  It reminded me of a quote from James D. Best who said, “Conservatives think progressives have bad ideas, while progressives believe conservatives are bad people.”

Kudos to “The Daily Show.”



Now before you get all, “Duh Danny.  Stop being so melodramatic.”  I am not melodramatic! I’m just exaggeratedly emotional about most situations in an overly sensational sort of way.

I was planning on writing about Presidents Clinton, and Obama’s speeches, but I’m not going to, yet.

They were good, but neither were entirely true.

I might write my take on it later.

OH…Before I go.  These pictures made me laugh as well.  I just thought I would share.


LIFEZILLA: Beauty may only be skin deep, but it is nice to have if you’re poor and stupid.









“You didn’t build that Government. We did.”

“You didn’t build that Government.  We did.”

By Danny Quinney (with contributions from Dave Young)

I haven’t written in a few weeks.  SOOOOOOOOOOOO much has happened I want to write about.  Just to give you a little peek into what I do, I read an article or two, copy the ones I like, write a few notes, and put it in a folder on my computer.  My folder is pretty full.  My problem is that I might have an AWESOME idea of something to say, but if I don’t jump all over it, time marches on without me.  If the thing happened two months ago I don’t want to write about it at the time, the ideas still swirl around my OCD head, until I get them on paper.  It’s madding.

On July 16, 2012 the President went off the teleprompter for a moment and gave us a glimpse into his head (I know.  REALLY TIMELY, eh?)

I’m going to touch on this for just a minute.  Then I’m going to tie it into something he said this Sunday.

First the “You didn’t build that” crap:

“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that,” Obama said.  “Somebody else made that happen.”

You know, if you reeeeeeally think about, the President has a point.  Really.  I didn’t write this myself:  I listened to his speech, someone taught me the rules of grammar, and Google helped me spell things (Honestly, it’s embarrassing that 90% of my Google history is made up of words I’m not sure how to spell – and yes – I Googled embarrassing).  And if you go WAAAAAAAAY back none of us would have or could have done anything on our own if our parents hadn’t done unmentionable things with each other.  So bravo, Mr. President.  Bravo.

It kind of reminds me of Elizabeth Warren’s speech a few months ago where she gave credit to the nation’s infrastructure for entrepreneurial success.  You know because the government built the road that led to your place of business they should get the credit for your successful business.

But wait a minute…The interstate hasn’t always been here.  Hmmm…I guess that means there was never a successful person before then.

To me it is a kind of scary we have a President who actually believes all success in America was because of our Government.  The truth of the matter is people aren’t successful because of our government.  They are successful in spite of our government.

“There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me because they want to give something back.  If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own,” Obama continued, “I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there.  It must be because I worked harder than everybody else.  Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.”

I don’t know about you, but I know some really stupid rich people.  Even the Über-rich have their share of really stupid moments.  Quick side note: I HATE IT when writers “Überize” things.  That is adding Über to something to make it sound cool, or hip.  UUGH.  It seriously makes me wanna vomit.  And there I just did it.   (No.  I didn’t just “vomit.”  I mean I used the word Über).  The difference is, the successful took a risk at some point in their lives and then worked their little fingers to the bones.  It takes a lot of hard work to succeed.

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help.  There was a great teacher somewhere in your life.  Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.  Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen,” he said. “The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”

So if my business doesn’t work out will the repercussions fall on my 4th grade teacher, my parents, or the road?  Hmmmm no.  I wonder if they will come take away the road by my business.  If that road, and the people who built it, are responsible for my success wouldn’t they also responsible when I screw up and fall flat on my face?

No.  The Government is NOT responsible for every success story in America.  It takes a lot of hard work.

And by the way, I love how the President’s example includes that of a “great teacher.”  But please allow me to clarify something.  It is true.  There are a lot of great teachers out there who have inspired a lot of people.  I’ve had great teachers.  We all have.  Everyone one of us has teachers, friends, mentors, and family that we rely on.  And hopefully, we’re teachers and mentors for others as well.  I’m all for working together.  Most of the best things in life are created by individuals who collaborate and rely on teams.  I believe in teamwork.  What I don’t believe, is that the Government is a necessary member of the team.  Great teachers are one thing.  Government intervention is another.

WOW.  I started that with “I’m going to touch on this for a minute.”  That was almost a novel.

Now to what was said this last Sunday.

There is soooo much that bothers me about that clip.  First, from now on whenever you see the phrase “Shared Prosperity” read “Robbery.”  Taking what someone else has earned, by force, and giving it to someone else, or spending it on policies that continue to fail, is robbery.  Plain and simple.  Another catch-phrase the President has created this election is, “The rich need to pay their fair share.”  It’s a cute phrase.  It rolls right off your tongue.  The problem is, it doesn’t mean anything.  What exactly is “fair?” If the IRS grabbed 100 percent of income over $1 million, 100%!!!!  They would take in $616 billion.  That’s only a third of this year’s deficit.  (The word “deficit” is a fancy way of saying “what we over spend”).  Our national debt would continue to explode.  It’s stupid.  Future Vice President Paul Ryan has said it countless times: we don’t have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.  In fact, no matter how much the government brings in, I think we’d all agree that government spending will rise to meet exceed tax revenue income.

Another thing that bothers me about the clip is this:

“I believe we have to go forward.  I believe we have to keep working to create an America where no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, no matter what your last name is, no matter who you love, you can make it here if you try.”

First of all show me any American who doesn’t believe you can “make it if you try.”  There isn’t one.  And then there is the whole, “no matter who you are…last name…what you look like…blah, blah, blah” crap.  This is the President, of the United States, the most powerful man in world, who was, for the most part, educated overseas, didn’t step foot on the mainland of America until he was in his late teens, who (while the country is fighting several wars against radical Islam) has the name Barack Hussein Obama, and who, incidently, is black, implying that America is currently NOT a country were you can succeed no matter who you are, what you look like, where you are from, or what your last name is.  HE is the ultimate American success story!!!

The reason this kind of rhetoric bothers me is because it further divides us all into classes. People are no longer “successful.”  Instead, they are “rich.”  It implies that having money is a bad thing.  It’s a socialistic mentality.  It creates dependence.  What we need to do is encourage creativity, success and entrepreneurship.

With both clips, Obama’s view beings and ends with “you didn’t build that.”  So it’s not yours.  If it’s not yours it can be taken away.


Lifezilla:  SNIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFF  Ahhhhhh!!!!  Don’t you just LOVE that “new article” smell?

Obama’s new campaign slogan….

President Obama announced his new campaign slogan is “Forward”.  That would be awesome if we weren’t standing on the edge of a cliff.


A friend sent this to me……