Tag Archives: Conservative Political Action Conference



As you may or may not know last week the best and brightest conservative minds met in Washington D.C. for the 43rd annual CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference).

I did not attend.  I know, I know.  You would think by now they would be asking me to attend, but they didn’t (…sigh…)

I did watch several speakers.  What I saw was AWESOME.

The highlights (of the three I watched) were Ted Cruz’s keynote speech, Marco Rubio, and Allen West.

Awesome, awesome, awesome.

I especially loved it when the conservative minds took the gloves off and REALLY started capping on President Obama’s policies and how they are detrimental to the country.

Reality Based

In my little brain- and I admit it’s little – here are my favorite quotes about what should be screamingly obvious (unless you’re a liberal) about the current tax system:

“A tax cut means higher family income and higher business profits and a balanced federal budget. Every taxpayer and his family will have more money left over after taxes for a new car, a new home, new conveniences, education and investment. Every businessman can keep a higher percentage of his profits in his cash register or put it to work expanding or improving his business, and as the national income grows, the federal government will ultimately end up with more revenues.”

Then there was a BRILLIANT slam to President Obama and the Democrats regarding unemployment:

“Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power and reduces the incentive for risk, investment and effort – thereby aborting our recoveries and stifling our national growth rate.”

“The largest single barrier to full employment of our manpower and resources and to a higher rate of economic growth is the unrealistically heavy drag of federal income taxes on private purchasing power, initiative and incentive.”

To stimulate the economy this is what they suggested:

“[We will present a bill that will] include an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in both corporate and personal income taxes. It will include long-needed tax reform that logic and equity demand … The billions of dollars this bill will place in the hands of the consumer and our businessmen will have both immediate and permanent benefits to our economy. Every dollar released from taxation that is spent or invested will help create a new job and a new salary. And these new jobs and new salaries can create other jobs and other salaries and more customers and more growth for an expanding American economy.”


And I swear to you, I almost stood up and cheered when I heard:

“You cannot negotiate with people who say what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable.”

And then, of course, I was so proud when a speech was concluded with “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”  It was such an awesome CPAC.  And…er….wait a minute.

Oh. My. Gosh.  I am so embarrassed.  I had my notes all mixed up.  Those quotes weren’t from CPAC.  They were from John F. Kennedy.  Well, you’ll forgive me, after all Kennedy was a great conservative Republ….what?  He was a Democrat?

WOW.  Look how much the Democrats have changed.  I doubt Kennedy would even recognize his own party.  Those quotes from Kennedy are WAAAAAAY different from such revealing quotes as:

“The conventional viewpoint says we need a jobs program and we need to cut welfare. Just the opposite! We need more welfare and fewer jobs.” – Jerry Brown

On the subject of rape on college campuses, (or would it be “campi”?) Rep. Joe Salazar said women don’t need guns, “It’s why we have call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, its why we have the whistles.”  It makes you wonder why women would spend any time in a “rape zone.”  Wait a minute, why the hell do we have “rape zones” in the first place?!?!?

“The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re passing legislation that will cover 300 million American people in different ways, it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.” – Congressman John Dingell

About the 2nd Amendment Al Sharpton said, “People do not have the right to unregulated rights in this country.”

And my personal favorite, Congressman Hank Johnson on Guam: “My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”

But, of course, it’s the Republicans who have changed.  It makes me laugh.  Of course I have no right to talk.  After all, I use words like ‘perpendicular’ when I language at people so they think I’m good with vocabularying.


LIFEZILLA:  I’d exercise, but I’m still trying to perfect my “before” picture.

