Obama Wins !! (?)

Obama Wins !!  (?)

Well, according to a CBS News affiliate in Arizona.

For 17 seconds, during an episode of “The People’s Court” CBS ran a lower third graphic that showed Obama won the November 6 election with 99% of the precincts reporting.  The “nationwide results” showed President Obama winning the election with 43 percent of the vote, to Romney’s 40 percent -– or 40,237,966 votes to 38,116,216.

Well, isn’t that just really cute?

OH WAIT!!!  I didn’t mention that this was on Friday October 19.  Two weeks before the election.  I know.  It is unbe-FREAKING-lievable.

I’m not suggesting they screwed up and ran the “results” too soon. But I think it is a little troubling that someone invested the time to key in the data for the graphic to appear on the screen in the first place.

Don’t believe me, watch it here.

Can you imagine the uproar if the graphic had appeared showing Romney won on Fox News?


LIFEZILLA: “I feel like [I’m] an island of reality in an ocean of diarrhea.”


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